Visit & Trial

What type of place is JOYFIT?
If you are a bit uneasy about joining right away, how about starting after a trial visit?
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to speak with our staff members. Please stop by one of our stores!

Please note that trial visits are not offered at some stores and during certain times of the year. Also, please note that at some stores, a fee is charged for trying out the equipment,etc. Please make sure to contact the relevant store in advance and ask for information.



Please apply to visit and trial on whatever day is convenient for you.
It is possible to observe our facilities free of charge. We can accommodate you at any time during our business hours.
Please feel free to come to our clubs.


Please go to the store that you have
applied to visit.
Please check information on parking
for vehicles and bicycles on the
store’s webpage in advance.


Staff members will register you at the front desk and then show you around the facility. If you have applied to try out equipment, etc., please make sure to bring the following items.

Items to bring

It is not necessary to bring the following items if you will only be observing our equipment, etc.


● Clothing that is easy to exercise in
(t-shirt and jersey pants, etc.)
● Shoes (for indoor use)
● Towels
(for wiping sweat and for showering)


● Towels
(for wiping sweat and for showering)
● Swimsuit
● Swim cap
entering the pool, please remove all accessories, and rinse off cosmetics and sweat using a shower.

