


If you visit one of our stores directly, you can join right away.
Search for nearby stores offering and select the one that you would like to join. Once you have decided on a store, please call that store directly.
(Please note that the reception hours vary from one store to another. Please be sure to check the webpage of the relevant store in advance.)


Please call the relevant store directly.


Please visit the store, and bring the items stated in the section below.


Our staff members will give an explanation regarding the facilities. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask!


Please fill out the member registration documents.


After the procedures have been completed, a membership card will be issued. Please enjoy using the facility!



Please bring the following items to the front desk.
1.Identity document*1
2.Bank or postal savings ATM card bearing your name
3.Bankbook for withdrawals
4.Seal associated with bankbook for withdrawals

*1 This can be a driver’s license, insurance card, passport, basic resident register card, or alien registration card. (Form of identification showing your “name,” “address,” and “date of birth.”) If the person joining is a minor, a guardian needs to apply on his or her behalf. In this case, an identity document of the guardian is needed.

*The items to bring may vary from one store to another. Please check with the store where you will be joining.